First blog post

It’s Mother’s Day and my kids ask me what I want.  I have boys. Two I gave birth to, and one I married.  I am the odd woman out.  After 24 years of marriage, I should be used to it. I have tried to even the odds with our Pixel girl cat, but there is her brother Orangello, and the brother from another mother cat, Flop.   So, I have gone to taking the female balance with sheer weight with Jameson – my Dutch filly.  I digress. Get used to it.  Anyway, I try to ask for things that play to my kids’ strengths. My college age son loves his technology and I have always wanted to try blogging.  So for Mother’s Day,  T set this up for me, and has been encouraging me to ‘just do it’! So here I am. Here’s hoping others will relate to my blog dedicated to my passions and my loves.  And a few things that leave me wondering.

One thought on “First blog post

  1. So nice when you can add the story touch to your life and let the reader in, so enjoyed your post and look forward to the next one(:


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